Saturday, December 28, 2019

Managing Workforce Diversity at Cityside Financial Services Free Essay Example, 750 words

Desired State the company wants everybody to work as a single team, regardless of skin color or market segment, as competition heats up for clients and depositors in the industry. Usual Problems some long-term wealthy customers who closed or terminated their accounts because they no longer lived in the neighborhood complained they were never offered investment products similar to what was offered at the External Deposits section (Ely, 2006, p. 2) and either felt neglected or were offended by the lack of similar offers for them. Furthermore, Retail Operations started offering corporate banking services, traditionally offered by the External Deposits group, while External Deposits' unit also ventured into retail banking services. Recommendations put people where they will fit best, based on skills, work attitudes, rapport with clients, and knowledge of their client le; regardless of ethnic or racial background. At present, the company seems to unconsciously or unintentionally perpe tuate this division of workers and employees based on their race, because the two sales units were departmentalized or segregated based on their target market segments. Career paths and advancements, as well as all promotions, should be based on merit alone (Cornelius, 2002, p. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Workforce Diversity at Cityside Financial Services or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page What is unequal is in the distribution of the type of jobs, as some 90% of support staff are blacks. To put it more succinctly, the company must pursue a policy of inclusion (Mor Barak, 2010, p. 101); it should put more blacks in positions of authority, in middle and senior management positions. Right now, most blacks are in routine, low-paying, white-collar jobs. The idea is to acknowledge African-Americans are not only good order takers (follow orders) but also as decision makers. In addition, the company must change its corporate culture to embrace an inclusive meritocracy.

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